• Walkable Admiral:

    Neighborhood equity:

    Based on the walkability score that is applied to all neighborhoods, the Admiral Junction score is 70. Compare that to the Alaska Jct. Score of 98. Why is our intersection so different?

    A 98 is a score that lends to very active foot traffic and a feeling of safety that is implied. Where as a score of 70 is not good and prohibits foot traffic because it is not as safe or does not feel safe. What makes the difference is the ability of the neighborhood and business district to organize for better design and features. The results being, all walk crossings, raised mid-block crossings and other safety measures that will be recommended for the Admiral district.

  • Here is what we would call for:

    Admiral and California All Walk intersection. The biggest safety concern for pedestrians crossing the streets is the right turn on red. Is it wise to have cars and pedestrians using the same crossing?

    Mid-block raised crossings between Lander and Admiral nearthe Safeway entrance at Menchies yogurt and between Admiral and College St. Specifically crossing to the Admiral Theatre. These crossing would eliminate one parking space and have a bulb out to the lane edge with flashing crossing signs.

    Permanent closure for SW Lander St. between California Ave and 44th SW. This is an often ignored one way and daytime temporarily closed street that could be used for an emergency gathering point for Lafayette School, auto free pick up of students and a potential event space such as a farmers' market.